I want to journey with you to financial success

You've been working so hard trying to figure it out on your own. You don't have to do it by yourself. Especially since I've done it and I can show you how to get on your Path to Prosperity.

In the Prosperity Pro Group for Healers you will have me, my team, and a community of other healers taking a transformational journey with you. You'll have a support system and a step-by-step guide.  

  • Are you tired of feeling like you haven't reached the financial success you've been dreaming of?
  • Are you tired of feeling guilt or other negative emotions because you really do want more out of your personal and professional life?

Sure, you could be happy with what you have now and actually in the group our show you exactly how to do that. Believe it or not that's the key to getting more. And it's ok to want more. Admit it, you want more, you need more, you deserve more and it's time for you to get comfortable having more. 

The transformation you will experience in the Prosperity...

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Did you know I moved out of the country?


Did you know I moved out of the country? I’m posting pictures on TikTok and Instagram if you want to see them. Want to know what else is going on with me and the team.

I’ll update you. 

I’d also love to hear what’s going on with you if you’d like to share. You can reply to this email and catch me up. And at the bottom of this email, I’ll also tell you how we can stay connected if that interests you. 

The 2022 cohort of the group ended this month. We are ramping up for the FREE masterclass, a 6-week boot camp, and the new 2023 Prosperity Pro cohort. It’s going to be so freaking amazing. We are working on helping healers get more comfortable asking for money, receiving money, and ultimately having money.  

But wait…this isn’t about our future, this email is an update on what’s already happened. 

We are in Europe now, but let me tell you how we got here. 


Took the month off to hang...

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