Are you suffering from Imposter syndrome?

podcast May 05, 2021



Imposter Syndrome is common among the highly successful. There are several causes and each one requires a specific intervention. I can help you identify if you have imposter syndrome and your primary cause. Most importantly how to overcome it.

In this episode, I give you simple guidelines I know you can implement to overcome imposter syndrome and better understand it. Grab a notebook  and get ready to take notes. You may want to listen to this episode a couple of times to really get familiar with the ideas suggested. Then send me your questions, I'll help you get answers.





Want to know how close or far you are from creating a business and life of meaning? Click here to take the Business and Life of Meaning Assessment.


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Ep. 128

Ep. 140



The Four Agreements one of my favorite books and I think something you should read if you are experiencing Imposter Syndrome.



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Noah Rosenfarb says building a life of meaning starts with creating a formula for your life

podcast Oct 21, 2020


How do you determine what to give-up, say no to, or sacrifice when growing your business? It starts with knowing what's most important to you, but that's just the first step. There are a few other steps and some of them are hard to do. I discuss this with our guest Noah Rosenfarb. He counsels entrepreneurs who are looking for ways to enhance their wealth, while working less. How would it feel if you could do that? Listen to this episode and get started now.


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to book a private conversation with me so you can determine what’s stopping you from creating a meaningful life. We'll talk for about 60 minutes to get to the bottom of what’s got you so stressed right now. 


We help CEOs and high-achievers all over...

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How to be willing to fail with Brian Scudarmore

podcast Sep 30, 2020


By sharing the meaning in his entrepreneurial journey, Brian Scudamore helped shape mine. As a young CEO, you feel more capable when you hear that all it takes to build a million-dollar business is navigating some ups and downs, a series of good decisions, a clear set of values and a strong network. Brian talks about being willing to fail and describes how to move through it. Neither of us knew that he would change my life and my business by sharing his story, but that's exactly why I set out to chronicle the search for meaning over money. When you know that failure is part of the journey to creating success and meaning you can better accept it. Learn what it takes to be willing to fail, listen now.


Remember in episode 105 when I talked about how we had to restructure our whole Presidential team. Well, recording this episode is what gave me the courage to do it. It also let me know that everything would be ok.




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Stabilize and grow your business through a crisis with Sejal Lahkani-Bhatt

podcast Sep 09, 2020

If you think COVID was a shock to your business, imagine losing the love of your life and business partner suddenly. That's what happen to our guest, Sejal Lakhani last year. In this episode, she tells us about the 3-things that got her through this crisis. They sound simple, but without them, she may not have made it through. With them, she was able to not only stabilize her business, but grow the business during one of the most difficult times in her life. Listen and get the tools to stabilize and grow your business through a crisis.
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(973) 577-4548
to book a private conversation with me so you can determine what’s stopping you from creating a meaningful life. You’ll get on the phone with me and we'll talk for about 60 minutes to get to the bottom of what’s got you so stressed right now. 
We help CEOs and high-achievers all...
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George Bandarian tells use about the journey to living your best life as a CEO

podcast Sep 02, 2020


The world, the markets, and business overall change and fluctuate. So why do some people and companies choose to stay the same? If you are an entrepreneur feeling stuck in a business you’ve lost passion for, you’re not alone. Listen to how George Bandarian navigated his search for meaning by growing & selling his company so he could pursue his best life. He's shifted to mentoring & investing in founders looking to grow and scale, so now he has more meaning to his life. Get unstuck, listen now.


to book a private conversation with me so you can determine what’s stopping you from creating a meaningful life. You’ll get on the phone with me and we'll talk for about 60 minutes to get to the bottom of what’s got you so stressed right now. 
We help CEOs and high-achievers all over the world navigate through their stress so they can enjoy their success and turn their money into...
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Capitalist or conscious capitalist? There's a big difference, which one are you?

podcast Aug 19, 2020

Some businesses stay in the family for generations, while others sell for billions of dollars. Do you dream of one day selling your business but your afraid you'll feel like you sold your soul? Sunny Vanderbeck felt like that when he sold his first business. Now he teaches business owners how to overcome the mistakes he made so they can feel as good about the sell as they did about growing their business. Listen and find out how he turned a regret into a win.  
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Sunny has an assessment others can take at to help listeners evaluate where they are on the path to selling their business
Get the book Selling Without Selling Out on or on audible.
Tell us your thoughts or get your questions answered by making a short 1-2...
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You are not alone, together we can make America meaningful again.

podcast Aug 12, 2020


Have you ever been in a room full of people and still felt lonely? Want to know why? It's because you don't fit, you don't belong, you are different. Some people want the old, outdated, American Dream, but not you. You crave more. You don't want your grandparent's idea of the American Dream. You've created your own inside your head and your heart and all you need is a little guidance to execute it. That guidance is in this episode and the next few episodes. Listen now and you'll not only get the keys to Make America Meaningful Again, but also guidance as you Search for Meaning Over Money.
to book a private conversation with me so you can determine what’s stopping you from creating a meaningful life. You’ll get on the phone with me and we'll talk for about 60 minutes to get to the bottom of what’s got you so stressed right now. 
We help CEOs and high-achievers all over the...
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Presidential Update: Taking a step back to move forward after COVID-19

podcast Aug 05, 2020


Have you ever had to take a step back in order to move forward? What was that like for you? In this episode, I'll tell you all about the challenges we faced during the COVID crisis, what I did after losing my whole team, and I'll give you the details on the pivot plan I created to Make America Meaningful Again. Listen to this episode to find out how to get closer to where you want to be.
to book a private conversation with me so you can determine what’s stopping you from creating a meaningful life. You’ll get on the phone with me and we'll talk for about 60 minutes to get to the bottom of what’s got you so stressed right now. 
We help CEOs and high-achievers all over the world navigate through their stress so they can enjoy their success and turn their money into meaning. So to see if we can help you do the same thing…I invite you to book a private...
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Men's health starts with peace of mind, here's how to get it

podcast Jun 03, 2020


With the health crisis we are facing, Men's health should be a higher priority right now, but is it? Studies show that men neglect their health more than women do. We discuss some of the reasons why in this episode.

Men, did you know your mental and physical health are connected? Well they are, so let's explore what affects men's health and how to take control of it.

If you haven't been to the doctor lately, gotten some physical activity in, discussed your health with your friends, or put your mental and physical health first...this is the episode for you.

No more excuses. I know finding the time to take care of your mental and physical health can be difficult. You have opposing priorities and it seems that time is not on your side. Before you know it a year has passed and you haven't done much to improve your wellbeing. For that reason, things are more likely to get worse rather than better. 

Want to talk to someone about it? Listen to me and my panelist talk about...

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