Unleashing The Difference: The Power of Belief in Personal versus Professional Success

Uncategorized Jun 29, 2023

What do High Achievers Believe about Themselves?

Society often asserts that we are all created equal. However, high achievers tend to override this program by embracing a different belief system - the idea that hard work is the key to success. Paradoxically, it is this very belief that can contribute to the creation of inequality among individuals.


In any given group, there are high achievers who stand out and consistently emerge as winners. Are they inherently superior to others, or is their success akin to the disparity between a 4.0 and a 5.0 Ford Mustang? On the surface, they may appear similar, but the high achiever possesses a more potent engine, requiring different levels of effort to accelerate from 0 to 60.


From the earliest stages of life, our beliefs shape our reality and become the dividing line between turning ideas into achievements or relegating them to mere crumpled pieces of paper in our minds. Even before birth, as separate sperm and egg, our belief system begins to define the boundaries of what we perceive as possible.


Imagine standing at the precipice of a deep canyon, your heart racing with anticipation. The vast expanse of possibilities intersects with the perilous challenges that life presents. As you peer into the unknown, a surge of fear or doubt engulfs you. Can you leap across, or would it be wiser to descend and ascend the other side? Will this safe decision impede your progress and momentum? Can you conquer the obstacles that lie ahead?


Self-efficacy: The Key to Success

This metaphor encapsulates the essence of self-efficacy, a psychological concept that determines our belief in our ability to succeed. Henry Ford once said, "whether you think you can or think you can't, you are right." He understood that one's self-efficacy could override the impact of hard work. In SelfSync Financial Therapy, I have noticed that individuals who believe in themselves in one area of life can hold contrasting beliefs about themselves in other areas.

Before delving into how this dichotomy arises, let us delve deeper into the understanding of self-efficacy or self-belief.


Self-efficacy serves as a driving force in shaping our lives. Just as a sturdy bridge spans a canyon, enabling us to traverse it effortlessly, self-efficacy acts as the scaffold connecting our aspirations to our accomplishments. It evolves through a dynamic interplay of experiences, achievements, and feedback we encounter along our journey. In SelfSync Financial Therapy, we refer to self-efficacy as the belief system or programming that defines our perception of our ability to overcome obstacles, accomplish tasks, and attain our desired goals.


Individuals who possess self-belief are more likely to set ambitious goals, harbor high expectations, persevere in the face of adversity, and bounce back from failures. Like wings, our beliefs propel us to greater heights, enabling us to surpass self-doubt and push beyond our perceived limits. They motivate us to take bold leaps, even in the face of uncertainty, and grant us the resilience to endure challenging times.


Success in All Areas of Life

But how can someone be successful in one domain while feeling like a failure in another? The simple answer is that in one area, they believe they can succeed, while in the other, they believe they cannot. They prove themselves right and continue to hold onto these beliefs. Throughout my 20 years of experience in the financial and mental health fields, I have witnessed numerous multimillionaires achieving great success professionally while simultaneously experiencing personal struggles. This is why the primary emotion I help my clients overcome is loneliness.


These individuals (often men) who believe they can accomplish any professional goal may also harbor the belief that they are unlovable or incapable of experiencing love. Although these exact words may not have been spoken to them, their childhood experiences of neglect, abandonment, abuse, or misunderstandings may have led them to substitute the need for personal connection with the pursuit of professional achievements, at least temporarily.


The desire for personal connection is a psychological need. Thus, even if they mask it under titles and wealth for a while, it never dissipates. They may yearn for connection, but if they don't believe they are lovable, even if they surround themselves with people, they will never attain the love they both deserve and desire.


The Power of Belief System

Believing in oneself begins even before taking the first breath. As mentioned earlier, if our parents harbor negativity, it inadvertently permeates into our being. From the moment of conception, we begin to form beliefs or become programmed. The good news, however, is that even if we were not raised to believe in ourselves (personally or professionally), we can still alter our programming and overcome the old belief systems instilled in us. There are three ways to achieve this transformation and enhance our self-efficacy.


How to Change Your Belief System

The first approach involves making a conscious decision, followed by investing time and effort while repeating this effort over and over again. This method requires willpower. The second method revolves around experiencing a life-changing event, which ignites "why power" and propels us forward. However, both of these methods solely activate the conscious brain. The third and most promising approach involves harnessing the power of the subconscious brain through modalities such as hypnotherapy or SelfSync Financial Therapy, relying on what we call "MY" power.


The first two methods often take longer and carry the risk of reverting to old beliefs. Many clients opt for these processes because they lack sufficient belief in themselves to invest time, energy, and money in a deeper transformation. However, the path of repetition and time is costly, lengthy, and painful for everyone involved.


A life-changing event could involve meeting the person of your dreams, relocating to a new place, or even encountering tragic circumstances like a car accident or the loss of a loved one. Many clients perceive their lives shifting due to such events and adapt accordingly. Maintaining a strong "why" motivates them to move forward. Nevertheless, this approach can be either immediate or gradual, depending on the strength of their "why" or if it eventually fades, potentially leading the client to revert to their old beliefs.


Lastly, the most promising avenue lies in utilizing a subconscious brain-changing system, such as SelfSync Financial Therapy. This approach takes into account how the brain operates and taps into human nature, working in harmony with these concepts rather than against them. The cornerstone of this process revolves around transforming our belief systems. If we were primed for professional success, we can also be primed for personal success. By altering our beliefs, we can transform our lives.


Whether you are a financial or legal professional striving to help your clients preserve their wealth or an individual whose personal success lags behind your professional accomplishments, there is hope. All it takes is a single decision, a transformative life event, or the adoption of SelfSync Financial Therapy to align personal and professional success, enabling the creation of an unshakable self-efficacy or belief system. This newfound system encompasses love, money, and all the elements necessary to achieve fulfillment.


For a limited time, The Presidential Lifestyle Community offers free access to legal and financial professionals, as well as those who serve the ultra-wealthy.


If you are a wealthy business owner seeking to break free from the belief that "it's lonely at the top," I invite you to visit my website. Find out if I am currently accepting new clients. If not, join the waiting list, and we will reach out to you as soon as a spot becomes available.

In the meantime, remember that while money can solve certain problems, for the problems that money can’t solve, there's SelfSync Financial Therapy.


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