About Us

The biggest thing you need to know about us is that our mission is to alleviate human suffering associated with money by changing the way mental health is viewed and administered. 


Presidential Lifestyle is a tech enabled, mental health firm dedicated to serving the wealthy business owner. Through our research, we are discovering a new formula for success. By sharing what we find we can fulfill our and share what we've learned with other professionals.

We do to things better than anyone else:

Supporting Legal and Financial Professionals in solving the problems money can't fix.

We also speak to and consult with wealthy business owners whose burdens have gotten to heavy for them to lift alone. We guide them through a 5-Phase process for getting the most out of their money and life without burnout, guilt, greed, or any other Money Emotion. We do this so they can reach the goal of leaving a lasting legacy on the world while still connecting with the people that mean the world to them.

We've built an incredible team of high trained Financial Hypnotherapists, Date Scientists, and Client Experience Specialist to give our CEOs a big shift in a short amount of time so they can get back to business. 


Letting go of the old idea of success is not easy; it takes time and repetition. The truth is, the old American Dream is dead now. There is a new idea of success, one that's full of good health, wealth, love, and most of all meaning. We call it Your Presidential Lifestyle and we can show you how to get it.

 We'd love to join your mission. 




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New York Times article: Click here



Financial Hypnotherapy is a process that helps one redefine their idea of wealth and reconcile their emotions around money. We are all using money to get love and acceptance in one way or another; financial hypnotherapy helps you uncover the ways in which you are.

You will also uncover why you feel burnout, and even guilt and greed associated with money. You'll gain clarity on the ways you are using money to fill your voids. Then you will discover what truly brings your life meaning and design a plan that will lead your there.

People who experience our financial hypnotherapy process report improvements in their overall life satisfaction, reduction in stress and anger, and a renewed sense of self. Teams work better together and our less overwhelmed by their processes. They also report improvements in their sleep, nutrition, physical activities, and their relationships, especially their relationship with money.

Thanks for your interest in Presidential Lifestyle. We are so happy you are here. Before you go. Click here and listen to the latest episode of the Money and Meaning podcast.


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