Is it Mindset: Navigating Lack-Based Emotions for Growing and Preserving Wealth

Most people call it mindset. I call it mentality. Why?

Because mindset is all about what’s happening in your conscious brain and when your clients experience Lack-Based emotions they come from the subconscious brain. At Presidential Lifestyle we label the subconscious brain as mentality. These thoughts, feelings, and the behaviors that go along with them have been going for years. Long before they were your client. 

In the world of financial advising, professionals often encounter the intricate realm of emotions tied to money. In the previous blog post, we explored Fear-Based Emotions. Today, let's talk about Lack-Based Emotions. You may have heard of this referred to as limiting beliefs. And you may not think your clients have them because they already have financial success. But what if they could have more. And by more I mean more than money; meaning, purpose, personal success, fulfillment. 

Lack-Based Emotions

In my research I’ve narrowed Lack-Based...

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Overcoming Fear-Based Emotions: Guiding Wealthy Clients to Emotional Clarity

Understanding the most common fear-based emotions your clients experience is crucial to helping them trust you and sleep better at night. Helping them to step away from the primitive and subconscious brain is key to encouraging logical decision-making. While you can't control your clients, you can provide them with tools and support to cultivate a Calm Optimal Brain State (as we call it in SelfSync Financial Therapy).

What you may not realize is that your clients have fears they aren't sharing with you—not because they're keeping secrets, but because they struggle to articulate their feelings. Society's mixed messages often lead to misunderstandings and suppressed fears. Your clients might be confused, and they need your guidance.

Innate Fears

Fear, an innate emotion we are born with, takes various forms as we navigate life's complexities. The two fears we are born with are the fear of the unknown and the fear of falling. Any other fear is taught to us by our loved ones or...

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Nurturing Emotional Wealth: A Financial Professionals First Step in Unlocking Hidden Emotions Behind Money

No matter how much wealth your clients possess, it's never enough to shield them from a range of challenging emotions. As a financial professional catering to the affluent, you know that money doesn't always provide a complete sense of fulfillment. The emotions that come into play - sadness, loneliness, guilt, and feelings of inadequacy - can be overwhelming. Surprisingly, your clients might turn to their wealth in an attempt to find solace, but is it truly the answer?

Money can absolutely buy the things that make you happen and give you the time freedom to spend with the people who mean the world to you, but having wealth doesn’t guarantee happiness. For the past two decades, I've dedicated myself to researching money emotions, understanding their impact, and helping financial professionals like you address the issues that money can't fix. I'm Kiné Corder, the lead National Certified Counselor with a special focus on Financial Therapy for wealthy business owners.


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The Secret Sauce to Success: How to Embrace Insanity to Create a Presidential Lifestyle

After working with wealthy business owners, celebrities, athletes, and even politicians, I've discovered the secret sauce to success. It's super simple, and you can try it at home with very little risk. The answer is "insanity" – allowing yourself to do the same thing while expecting a different result.


Every time an actor goes out for an audition, the result they want is to book the gig. This only happens a small percentage of the time. When an athlete sets out to become the champion, they may lose a game along the way, but they have to forget that ever happened and start the next game expecting to win.


You may have heard me say that doing the same thing expecting a different result is not the definition of insanity, it's the definition of humanity. We all do it. It's the way the brain is wired. 


If you have a well-thought-out strategy, don't change it, just change your audience or the way you execute it. You may have to make a few tweaks along the...

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Clarity Over Confusion: Navigating Your Existential Crisis and Money Emotions

Uncategorized Jul 17, 2023

You know how you've been contemplating your desires, feeling overwhelmed because you have so many different aspirations? Well, Mr/Madam President, what you're experiencing is known as an existential crisis.

But before you become frustrated with yourself, let me assure you that an existential crisis is not a bad thing. In fact, it can be a catalyst for positive change, both personally and professionally. Just look at Andrew Carnegie, who faced his own existential crisis when he decided to sell his company and invest the proceeds in schools and libraries. The results of his existential crisis are still impacting the world today. 

When navigated wisely, an existential crisis becomes a time of reflection and transformation, an opportunity to embrace new possibilities. And during this transformative journey, having a trusted guide or mentor by your side can make all the difference. Don’t worry if you don’t have a guide, I’ll offer some guidance here and you can...

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From Film to Finance: The Making of a Financial Therapy CEO

Uncategorized Jul 10, 2023

Were you an overnight success? Business is rarely that simple. There’s usually a back story or a hero’s journey involved. Although social media can make it seem like starting a business, growing it, and scaling it is just a decision you make on the toilette…as you jot down your business plan on toilette paper. Most overnight success stories take years.


The business journey that, not just Hollywood but, society overall likes to portray is that if you start a business it will quickly lead to millionaire status and a flood of satisfied clients. So smile and take plenty of beautiful pictures along the way. As a metaphysician, I believe in the possibility of manifesting your dreams. However, just like life itself, the journey of building a business comes with ups and downs.


Setting the Stage

There are millions of business owners, each with a unique story. What makes your business journey interesting is different from what makes mine interesting. What you...

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Unleashing The Difference: The Power of Belief in Personal versus Professional Success

Uncategorized Jun 29, 2023

What do High Achievers Believe about Themselves?

Society often asserts that we are all created equal. However, high achievers tend to override this program by embracing a different belief system - the idea that hard work is the key to success. Paradoxically, it is this very belief that can contribute to the creation of inequality among individuals.


In any given group, there are high achievers who stand out and consistently emerge as winners. Are they inherently superior to others, or is their success akin to the disparity between a 4.0 and a 5.0 Ford Mustang? On the surface, they may appear similar, but the high achiever possesses a more potent engine, requiring different levels of effort to accelerate from 0 to 60.


From the earliest stages of life, our beliefs shape our reality and become the dividing line between turning ideas into achievements or relegating them to mere crumpled pieces of paper in our minds. Even before birth, as separate sperm and egg, our belief...

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Rewrite Your Story: Discover the Power of Financial Therapy

Uncategorized Jun 09, 2023

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your personal problems, wishing you could find the same happiness and success that others seem to have? If so, you're not alone. Many of my clients have experienced the same struggles before we began working together. They yearned for personal and professional success, but at times, it felt impossible. 


However, I shared two crucial insights with them that changed everything. Now, I invite you to join me in a transformative journey during The Power of Financial Therapy free live workshop. (You can click here now to register.)


It's Not Your Fault:

First and foremost, it's essential to understand that it's not your fault if your relationships aren't thriving. Society has programmed us to believe that hard work and financial success hold the key to solving all of life's problems. But this programming is flawed. I realized this truth in 2010 when I found myself in a chaotic state, physically and emotionally. Despite moving to a new...

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Redefining Success: Why the Traditional Model of Success is a Joy-Stealing Myth

Uncategorized Jun 02, 2023

You’re stuck in the notion that success looks a particular way. It’s not your fault, it’s been passed down to you. But you don’t have to perpetuate it. Over the next few minutes together we will unravel the myth that has held us captive for far too long: this American Dream traditional model of success is dead. So by the end we can bring to life a new version of success, one that’s more aligned with who you are right now.  


For years, we've been led to believe that our worth is measured by external markers—money, possessions, and status. But let me tell you, my friends, those things do not hold the key to true happiness. In fact, they often leave us feeling empty and inadequate, forever comparing ourselves to others. But if you are reading this, you’re probably already feeling some dissonance. You’re probably questioning what you’ve been taught about success. It's time to break free from this joy-stealing myth...

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Could a midlife crisis or imposter syndrome, try Financial Therapy

Uncategorized May 08, 2023

Are you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by the demands of your personal and professional life? You're not alone. Many of our members feel the same way.

Did you search your symptoms on Google to determine what's going on with you? If so, you probably diagnosed yourself with everything from a hormone deficiency to adrenal fatigue. Or maybe your search brought up a midlife crisis or imposter syndrome. These are two common emotional challenges many of our members self-diagnosis with. It's a possibility you could be experiencing one or both of these, but it's important to understand the differences.

A midlife crisis is a period of emotional turmoil that can occur when someone is feeling overwhelmed by the demands of life. When it happens you start to wonder if you've made the wrong choices in life and you look for a do over. Some people even start to act as if they are 21 years old again.

Imposter syndrome is more about questioning your ability. You may have feeling...

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