How to set goals that are free from stress Part 2

podcast Nov 20, 2019



“How can I reach my goals?” That question can be stressful. That’s why I ask myself a different question. If you shift to this question you will lower your stress and reach your goals faster. We talk all about it in this episode. I share the most important question I use in my practice that will reduce the stress around goal setting. And as I mentioned last week, it starts with shifting the word goals to the word targets. I don’t have to tell you to set a goal, I’m sure you are doing that. I’m focused on helping you reduce the stress around reaching your goals. By the end of this second episode you will have 3-new shifts you can make to lower the stress associated with hitting your targets. So listen now and get started.


  • Set smaller milestones to reach each target
  • Put fun, adventure, and love on your schedule first to achieve your WOW Factor target
  • Break down your annual goal into quarterly goals. This helps your brain to work more diligently while reducing stress. While focusing on the smaller milestones you are shifting your focus to a more manageble target
  • For example, if you set a wealth goal to create 1 million dollars, dividing this annual target into a quarterly goal would mean small milestone earnings of $250,000 which would be easier to see progression towards earning instead of focusing on earning the $1 Million dollars
  • You can even divide the quarterly target to a monthly target to reduce stress even more
  • The one question you can ask to reduce stress associated with your target
  • What lights my soul?
  • By thinking and even realizing things that light up your soul, setting targets become easier and less stressful when you know you're pleased or excited about the target.
  • What would it take is the question I ask in my practice to help my patient think about the small steps rather than the big target.


  • Set your Wow factor target first
  • Your Wow factor is ultimately the most pleasing or fun target.
  • It can consist of going to the movies every tuesday, eating ice cream once a month, getting to the golf course once a month, or seeing your friends once a week.
  • By setting your Wow factor first it gets you more excited to execute the rest of your targets.
  • My Wow factor targets are to find my favorite restaurants in LA and Las Vegas (Eclipse Di Luna & Salad Express in Atlanta)
  • Another Wow Factor target is to do Lyra, trapeze, or Zouk once a week, add a new workout routine, Couch time & Cooking for friends




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Call to Action:

Which goals or targets fall off of your radar easily? Usually we sacrifice our fun, relationships, and our wellness for our wealth goals. Even though these targets are special to us, we neglect them. Is that true for you?


Would you like to write your special targets down, get an electronic copy, and receive support from us along the way? Great, let’s do it. We are offering a free TARGET TRACKER that will help you think through your targets and write them down so you can truly live a life of meaning.


Remember it doesn’t have to be lonely at the top you can take people with you and I’m taking you with me. I encourage you to invite some friends so share this episode and the TARGET TRACKER.


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Featured Resources:I just finished reading Bliss More by Light Watkin.And I also took his live meditation course. I recommend both. My meditation has evolved and elevated. I’ll share more in January.

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